Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring is here!

Oh how I love Spring time! It has to be one of the best times of the year. A time for renewal and rebirth. However, this spring has also brought loss and a little heartache. Losing friends to death is always hard to take but knowing that because of Christ, we will all be together again, the sting is not as bad as expected. Death is but a new awakening, perhaps a new spring in that person's life. That brings me peace. I also lost my Grandma in January, I seriously didn't think I could take it, but once it was done, God granted me the tender mercy of peace and the sweet feeling of Grandma's strong and loving spirit close to me, lifting and tending to me. To all of you out there that are feeling a bit down and unloved or forgotten, please read the following article, it will bring peace beyond measure and remind you of the greatness of God:,5232,23-1-1032-27,00.html
Love to all!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pity Party

You are cordially invited to my very own pity party!

I am having a moment of silence for myself as I wallow in my self doubt and feelings of anger and pain. After my big revelation of everyone getting 5 minutes I had given someone 5 minutes, 10 seconds and then took offense and let my feelings get hurt. Well, it was a good thought anyway. It is so hard when someone is so blatantly mean to you and puts you down to your face and then whispers behind your back just loud enough for you to hear. I want to yell, and point out all their flaws and imperfections. Scream how great I have been to them and how much I have sacrificed for them. Oh gag, now I really sound like a mother! And not a good one at that. So, tonight I am venting and hoping no one reads it before I delete it. I have served cookies at my party, but me being the only one to eat them, I have almost eaten myself into a sugar coma. Oh well, a little rest could be good! Here I lay me down to sleep, a bag of cookies at my feet, I mean a bag that once had cookies, at my feet. If I blow before I wake I pray it cures my belly ache! Well, happy days tomorrow, right, it can only get better.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

5 minutes of Stupidity

Have I used my 5 minutes of stupidity wisely today? I read recently that we each get 5 minutes a day to just be plain stupid. If we realize this, when someone says something hurtful or stupid, it makes it much easier to forgive them. After all, if I am going to get 5 minutes, I have to give 5 minutes as well! Unfortunately it seems I usually take more than my fair share. However, as much as I love this statement as it allows me to be more forgiving of others, it also allows me to lighten up on myself a little. I catch myself beating myself up for something I did or said, now I can just stop myself in my tracks with, "Hey, it was my 5 minutes, get over it!" If we all could be a little kinder, a little gentler and extend this tender mercy of 5 minutes to each other, what a wonderful world this could be.