I saw a friend a few days ago that has been suffering from cancer. Going thru the gamut of losing her hair, unpleasant treatments, fatigue, to say nothing of the emotional roller coaster that comes with cancer, had brought about a change in her. However, to my wonder, she was more beautiful than ever, she had a glow about her. A peace that not many of us achieve. It brought back the poignant message of Precious Jeopardy. She has gained something that most of us have not, she has dignity and grace that only this kind of jeopardy can give you.
Mr. Douglas states it so well in his book. It is during the great depression, the main character has lost his job and his value, so he decides to end it, but in a way the doesn't look like suicide. He steps on a sharp needle which breaks off in his heel. He believes the broken piece will travel to his heart and put an end to his misery. But he finds his life takes on new meaning. "His senses seemed abnormally keen. It was a great thing to be alive. The bare fact of living had never struck him with such vividness. Might it not be possible, he reasoned, that jeopardy sharpens the wits?"
Perhaps we should all walk around believing there is a needle in our heel. Or perhaps Heavenly Father gives our own specially picked blessings (trials) that can have the same effect if we allow ourselves to be clay in his hands.
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