Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tender Mercies Continue

I had a rough night last night. Had someone actually be mean, right to my face. Hasn't happened in a long time, well at least not since the last time! ;) Anyway, it has been hurting my heart since it happened. I tried to blow it off as nothing, but it awoke me at night my heart knitted in pain. It was silly and really of no consequence, but I feel hurt and embarrassed. But Heavenly Father, in His tender mercy sent my visiting teachers to me this morning as a balm of Gilead. Of course, one of their first questions, was, how are you doing? They seemed to really want to know or at least I really wanted to get it off my chest so I told them I had had a bad night and was feeling down. They listened and then offered their own similar experiences. It was so comforting to know that I was not alone in what I had gone through, they had gone through the same and felt my pain. It brought me so much comfort and peace. I knew Heavenly Father knew my pain and couldn't be here Himself so he sent Sam and Jean. It is a good reminder to me how much our words and actions can truly hurt someone. I pray that if I ever do hurt someone like that I will be made painfully aware of it and bothered by it until I apologize for it. Also, that if someone shares something with me that I have experienced, sometimes it is good to commiserate. Thank you Heavenly Father for your everlasting love, for being there for me, always.

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