Tuesday, January 27, 2009

5 minutes of Stupidity

Have I used my 5 minutes of stupidity wisely today? I read recently that we each get 5 minutes a day to just be plain stupid. If we realize this, when someone says something hurtful or stupid, it makes it much easier to forgive them. After all, if I am going to get 5 minutes, I have to give 5 minutes as well! Unfortunately it seems I usually take more than my fair share. However, as much as I love this statement as it allows me to be more forgiving of others, it also allows me to lighten up on myself a little. I catch myself beating myself up for something I did or said, now I can just stop myself in my tracks with, "Hey, it was my 5 minutes, get over it!" If we all could be a little kinder, a little gentler and extend this tender mercy of 5 minutes to each other, what a wonderful world this could be.