Monday, September 22, 2008

We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world. - Helen Keller

As I watch friends around me go through terrible life changing experiences I am constantly amazed at how resilient and strong the human spirit is. I love Carol Lynn Pearson's poem, Trial Number Five:
Carefully they laid
Out on the table
Trials one, two, three,
Four, five and six.

"Choose one," they said.

"Oh, any," she cried, with a horror
Born of the best of Halloweens,
"Any but number five.
It would kill me.
I promise you I would not survive."

They thanked her graciously,
Escorted her out,
Then gift-wrapped, addressed,
And labeled "Special Delivery"
Trial number five -

Sent with love from
Those whose assignment it is
To make sure you know
That you can go
Through trials one, two,
Three, four, ninety-nine,
Or five -
And, incredibly,
Come out alive.

I have faced trials that I feared, worried about and did not think I could live through, and because of divine help found out that, yes, I could come out alive. Always, they were never as bad as my worries had made them out to be. Because of these experiences, I know when a little worry, like the bleak economy, surfaces it's ugly head into my subconscious that whatever comes, I will survive. I just take one day, sometimes 10 seconds at a time.
Life is full of choices. It is also full of heartaches and joys. We can focus on one or the other, it is always a choice. I am so thankful for the people that come into my life to show me the better way. The way we were meant to live! I choose joy!

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